Foreclosure Auctions and Tax Deed Sales
Foreclosure Auctions and Tax Deed Sales
You should be aware that just because you purchased a property at a foreclosure auction or tax deed sale does not mean that it has free and clear title. Your ownership may be subject to a mortgage, liens, or judgments.
Vaughn Law has years of experience reviewing and evaluating the title of properties being sold at foreclosure auctions and tax deed sales, and can accurately advise you on potential title defects and issues before bidding on the property so you can accurately determine its value.
If you have already purchased the property and have been made aware of a title defect, Vaughn Law can also assist you in resolving it. We have experience negotiating and resolving a variety of different types of title defects.
If you have purchased a property at a tax deed sale and need to Quiet Title in order to sell it, we can assist you with that. We have successfully quieted title to many properties purchased at tax deed sales.
Do not hesitate to contact Vaughn Law today and schedule a free consultation.
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Vaughn Law offers its clients a different, more personalized and service orientated approach, by tailoring its representation to its client’s needs. At Vaughn Law, we understand that this may be an overwhelming, unfamiliar and stressful time for our clients, therefore we strive to help our clients understand the intricacies of the legal system and to keep them informed throughout the process.
350 Corey Avenue, St.
Pete Beach, FL 33706