Code Violations
Code Violations
A code violation notice with the threat of steep fines can be frightening to a homeowner. Strict time limits and difficulties getting in touch with the code enforcement agent make it even more stressful. Our experienced team can assist you in resolving your violation and any fines that may have been involved.
Vaughn Law has experience negotiating and resolving code violations. Vaughn Law also has experience with getting liens released and reduced.
Contact Vaughn Law at 727-223-6080 for your consultation to determine how we can assist you with getting the code violation liens released from your property.
Get in touch with us

Vaughn Law offers its clients a different, more personalized and service orientated approach, by tailoring its representation to its client’s needs. At Vaughn Law, we understand that this may be an overwhelming, unfamiliar and stressful time for our clients, therefore we strive to help our clients understand the intricacies of the legal system and to keep them informed throughout the process.
350 Corey Avenue, St.
Pete Beach, FL 33706